Monday, 25 January 2016

Personal Evaluation

Personal Evaluation:

    This module has offered me a great insight to the world of branding and exposed me to many different media platforms.  This module has been a  huge learning experience for me, not only working in a team but on how to create a brand and how to dissect  existing  brands through teaching in seminars and personal research.

     Working as a team is something that is new to me. Establishing a framework that will be successful took time but once we designated roles and felt comfortable within the team the ideas and creativity flowed. 

    As an illustrator at first I found it difficult to establish myself within a role as I had little knowledge of some of the software, however I quickly picked up techniques through research and learnt from the other team members. 

   I contributed to the group by sparking ideas, at the naming process, coming up with new directions and possible promotion ideas. As a team we failed to see the point of the brand. We got caught up in the commercial side of product, rather than the brand identity. We had to revaluate quickly. We successfully did this I believe by using the quote “ The big idea around the brand is more important than the big idea behind the marketing campaign”. This quote heavily influenced our new direction as we kept referring to it throughout the creative stages. Without the idea and values of the brand being correct there is no success.

    Once the brand values and name was established ( All done as a team).  We worked on designating roles to produce certain products for the brand. I contributed to ideas with logos, T-shirt designs and promotion, going out and helping with the locations of the photography, editing photos, creating badges, magazine and business stationary. I also created a visual storyboard for the video production of an possible advert.

    I struggled with initial ideas, and bringing a concept or direction as I had little to none knowledge on ‘creating a brand’ .  I also was at a disadvantage with  some of the Adobe software, but quickly educated myself through the use of online tutorials. However I felt that once I had done in depth research which is reflected on my blog, I was much more confident as a team member, being able to put forward ideas to the team and work I had produced myself. 

Overall I felt we worked well as a team creating something that had come together well with the use of tone and colours. The production process I felt went successful as we all inputted idea and creative skills resulting in a brand that had an identify. If we were to do it again I would look into a stronger name, and producing video footage from the storyboards, continuing the tone from the still images produced.

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Libertas - Branding

Libertas: Compassion towards Crisis

Final Video

Final Images:

 Target Audience:

 Type Face:


 Recpetion Office:

 Value Mood Boards:

Monday, 18 January 2016

Magazine Experiment- Production

I was experimented with images produced by all of the group, and working with advertisement layout and possible from covers on how a magazine may be distrupbuted to it's audeince.

Libertas Mood Board

Here I  have composed a collage to create a visual simulation of the brand style.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Story Boards for Video Production

We wanted to achieve the known strategy with communicating with the audience through the use of 'pulling on heart strings'; the use of empathy.  We wanted UK citizens to be able to relate to the crisis in Syria and be more excepting. As a team it was decided to re create Syrian stories and apply them to an typical British activity. We devised story boards which could be developed to video tv advertisement.

Created by Maddison:

Created by Myself:

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Research: Most Successful Charities Campaigns

After solidifying our idea and core brand concept, there was the dilemma of how to communicate our brand to the audience. To help us with the direction I researched who and what was the most successful charity campaigns.

Maximising donations is the aim of any charity organisation and marketing a charity isn't straight forward as you are not selling a product or an idea you have to get the consumers to buy into the idea.

Campaign 1 : Make a wish foundation

"the Make-A-Wish Foundation, told the story of a young boy who wished to become Batman. Facing adversity and an acute medical condition, the boy nevertheless came to the rescue against the devious Riddler."

How this campaign was successful is the effect it had on the audience, by pulling on heartstrings is the weight of money, and combining this with social media was the perfect recipe .

Campaign 2: Charity Swear Box
"It works by counting the number of times you swear, and tells you how much a charity might benefit if you put only 10 pence in a ‘swear jar’ each time, which is always fun to check, even if you don’t think you’re swearing! It also lets you donate directly from the site. The total raised so far is over $62,000."

It's successful by using the classic ' Making something bad  for good' . Always works people find it fun and simple.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Shocking Syrian Stories

  • Boling Leaves to eat due to no source of food
  • Childern playing with shells, guns and bullets
  • living in a tent
  • Delivering babies in dangerous conditions
  • people/ childern have been tortured and captured. 
  • drown syrian boy
  • No medicine/ treament
  • Swimming to surrounding countries
  • queuing for bread
  • Packing basics to leave home/ life behind
  • boarder control- bribes
  • Long wait for refugee status to be processed
  • Child labour
  • Marrying of daughters for money
    What we wanted to do was create imagery that reflects our core belief of ' Compassion towards Crisis' and influance the UK percepetion. The idea of empathy and role reverse.  
    Boling leaves for food  ----- >  British Family eating leaves as their Sunday roast 
    Living in Tents ------> Living in a tent possible in an abandon building
    Packing basics to leave home ---->  On a night out with a bagpack of things 
    Childern playing with bullets ----->  in school playground playing with the same items
    No food to eat -----> Shop saying closed due to no stock 
    Delay in status process  ----> Waiting for the train 


Thursday, 7 January 2016

Development of Product

Referring back to my research I looked into with charity and products through Fashion. I took the influence of Tkmaxx and Topshops clothing line an experimented with logos and a t-shirt template and came up with the line below.

As our target audience is for the youthful, I feel the use of geometric designs and street art would appeal to the audience. the design was simplistic and bold which is what tends to be the trend of 'teenage' fashion.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Applying 'Creating a Brand Idenitity' Libertas

Building a Brand Identity :Libertas

Analyze the market is the first step, to create a building blocks for company. Focusing on strengths and weakness, and opportunities. It's a way to determine you aims and how you will achieve them:

Charity Business: "Charitable organizations often depend partly on donations from organization. Such donations to charitable organization represent a major form of corporate philanthropy"

Syria: Current global war, which this brand will be featuring for this present brief.

Core Belief: ' Compassion towards Crisis'

Achievements & Aims: The Brand goals raise awareness and educate the population on the refugee situation using human rights approach, improving the attitude of UK residents to syriaian intergration.

The next stage after researching the market it defining the key goals of your company and what you aim to do.

  • Compassion in Crisis
  • Influncing the UK cizten the attitude postivitly to syrian migration. 
  • Awareness through association of Celebrities/ Fashion line

Target Audience, after establishing the market research and the aims of the business, look at who are your creating for. Will it be a product or service the company provides and who will be it's consumers.

  • Globally recognised
  • Male and Female
  • 17+
  • Hedonists
  •  B's and C1 on Jicnars scale.
We will provide a product,  Fashion clothing line to raise money and awarness which highlight our three values. ( humanity, tolerance & Compassion ). Also creating an online presence and community, and associate our brand and selling through the use of celebrities.

Perception: What does the company want to perceive. Devising a , message and personality.

Personality of the company will be reflected by the connotations of the company's colour orange. The message is 'compassion towards crisis' 

Monday, 4 January 2016

Devolpment: Logo Ideas

At first we looked into the concept of the creating something that reflected light, crown and the Libertas goddess. However we felt that is wasn't the best direction because of the connotations with the statue of liberty and America. 

Here are some ideas I came up with reflecting the core concept of ' Compassion in Crisis'

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Type Face

Here are some experimentations of text I created for the brand

Colour Wheel

Looking at branding colours and what they stand for decided to keep with the colour orange and what it connates to the auidence. As a team we established the colours and Tom designed the colour wheel below:

Friday, 1 January 2016

Research and Planning: Libertas Goddess

Naming Process
' Fly Free as a Bird'
This idea of migration and flight. A well known saying known nationally which would be memorable.

Looked at names based on this core idea and motto : Came up with Bird and Starling.

Later reflected back to the original idea 'Liberty' which we felt stood for our whole brand and the direction we wanted to achieve.
Although there is currently a human rights organisation called Liberty we explored other relevant options.


Definition: "Libertas was the Roman goddess of liberty, a personification of the political libertas that distinguished the free from the enslaved. Libertas (meaning freedom in several languages" 

Libertas Goddess: "The ancient Roman goddess Libertas was honoured during the second Punic War by a temple erected on the Aventine Hill in Rome by the father of Tiberius Gracchus. A statue in her honor also was raised by Clodius on the site of Marcus Tullius Cicero's house after it had been razed."